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Asbestos identification before works Lille - demolition Lille

Lead diagnostic before works Lille

Visual inspection after removal or containment work Lille


Asbestos before Works Lille

Amiante avant travaux-demol Lille
Amiante avant travaux/Demol
Asbestos before works / Demol

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The best summary read on asbestos for a long time.
A work intended a priori for Occupational Physicians and multidisciplinary teams, it is perfectly suited to asbestos professionals and beginners.
I also recommend it to any client or technical supervisor (in 3 or 4).

Amiante avant travaux/Demol


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News: Update of the DTAs (carried out before 2013) at the latest on 02/01/2021.

All building owners who have not updated their DTA since 01/01/2013 must do so before January 31, 2021. The searches for the Asbestos Technical Files DTA carried out before January 1, 2013 looked at the different materials and products containing asbestos. Since the diagnosis has been extended to external elements of the building (roof, facade), hence the interest in redoing additional identification in order to avoid an obsolete document.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The Asbestos Technical File must be compiled and kept up to date by the owner (s) or by the syndicate of co-owners.

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This file concerns on the one hand the common parts of apartment buildings, and on the other hand buildings built for use other than housing (office, school, commerce, etc.)

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The Asbestos Technical File (DTA) must include various information:

- Identification reports of list A and list B materials containing asbestos.

- General safety recommendations for materials and products containing asbestos.

- Where applicable, the result of periodic evaluations of the state of conservation of materials and products in list A and list B, the locations before work, the withdrawal plans and the findings of visual examinations.

- The summary sheet with up-to-date plans.

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This file must be:

- Maintained by the owner of the building.

- Made available to occupants.

- Communicated on request to State services (labor inspectors, OPPBTP agents, etc.)

- Communicated to any natural or legal person required to carry out work on the building; at

the occasion of work on components of the frame, it must be supplemented by a marking

asbestos before work.

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The owner must keep a written certificate of the communication of the DTA to these persons.

To follow the entry into force of the decree of June 3, 2011 and the decrees of December 12, 2012 and December 21, 2012, the Asbestos Technical Files established before January 1, 2013 are to be completed by searching for exterior construction components. on the roof and facade, in order to meet the marking program in force.

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The identification of materials and products containing asbestos is a prerequisite for the assessment and prevention of the risks associated with the presence of asbestos in a building. It must be supplemented by the definition and implementation of suitable and proportionate management measures to limit the exposure of occupants present temporarily or permanently in the building and of people called upon to intervene on materials or products containing asbestos.
These measures for all built buildings for which the building permit was issued before July 1, 1997 are entered in the asbestos technical file and in its summary sheet that the owner establishes and keeps up to date in application of the provisions of article R. 1334-29-5 of the public health code.

ASBESTOS BEFORE SALE Lille (asbestos diagnosis before sale)

This diagnosis is mandatory for the sale of all premises with a building permit date prior to July 1, 1997. The professional's visit enables the identification of materials containing or likely to contain asbestos. He conducts a visual inspection and in-depth non-destructive investigations of the entire property. If there is any doubt about a material, he takes a sample for analysis, the result of which on the presence (or not) of asbestos will be communicated in the final diagnostic report. contain asbestos, the period of validity of the diagnosis is unlimited, provided that the good is not modified.

In the event of non-compliance with the obligation to annex the asbestos diagnosis, no clause exempting the warranty against hidden defects may be stipulated for the defects constituted by the risk. The sale remains valid but the purchaser may act to cancel the sale or reduce the price paid in the event of the discovery of asbestos subsequent to the transfer of ownership.

RAT: Asbestos identification before works Lille (asbestos diagnosis before works)

In the case of a rehabilitation or renovation of a building where it is likely to pierce, cut or demolish certain works and materials within a building for which the building permit was issued before July 1, 1997, this asbestos diagnosis "before work" is compulsory.
This scouting mission consists of looking for and locating all asbestos materials, visible and enclosed, accessible or not, as well as taking samples if this is necessary.
The scope of these investigations may be limited only to areas subject to future work. The realization of destructive samples is essential.

The company in charge of asbestos removal operations must, in application of Article 23 of Decree No. 96/98, establish a removal plan, submitted one month before the start of work, to the prevention organizations.

RAD: Asbestos research before demolition Lille (asbestos diagnosis before demolition)
The asbestos diagnosis "before demolition" is carried out after final evacuation of the building and removal of furniture in such a way that all the components are accessible.
- search for the presence of asbestos-containing materials and products. The research must be exhaustive, which requires destructive probing or special teardowns.
- certifies the presence or absence of asbestos for each of the structures or components identified.
As part of the diagnosis before demolition, the operator can issue reservations, recommend additional investigations or have samples taken for analysis.

VISUAL CHECK after removal or containment work Lille

Since June 3, 2011 (decree 2011-629) any owner who has carried out work to remove or contain asbestos materials must have an independent property diagnostician perform a visual inspection of the treated surfaces.

This visual inspection, until now compulsory for flocking, thermal insulation and false ceilings, becomes compulsory for certain materials in the new list B of appendix 13-9.

The visual examination after removal or containment work and the associated dustiness measurement become mandatory for the materials and products in list B, when this work is carried out inside buildings.

This control aims to ensure that the premises returned following work on identified asbestos materials do not present a risk for the occupants once the site has been delivered, just before the premises are reoccupied. Currently, this restitution measure is only required for work on flocking, thermal insulation and false ceilings.

In addition, the measurement of dust in asbestos fibers after removal or containment work, previously mandatory only in the case of work on flocking, thermal insulation and false ceilings, becomes mandatory after any type of work for the removal or containment of materials. or products containing asbestos, object of identification of list B when this work is carried out indoors.

This visual inspection is governed by standard NFX 46 021.

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WASTE DIAGNOSIS before demolition:

- a description of the buildings: dimensions, floor area, floor area, levels, load-bearing structure, partition structure, etc;

- The quantities of materials, per building, whether in m², ml or m3, with the associated tonnages;

- The differentiation of materials by type: wood, concrete, metals, lighting, insulation, false ceiling, PVC, etc; with details as presented in the table (non-exhaustive list). The quantities of asbestos and the materials concerned must be described as precisely as in the asbestos diagnosis;

- Disposal channels: DD, DI, DND wood, DND metals, recovery and possible reuse, etc;

- A summary for the entire site, by type and by disposal route.

The objective of the waste diagnosis is to be able to anticipate the demolition budget as well as possible, mainly with regard to the costs of treatment and / or disposal of materials. It must allow the completion of the verification form, the CERFA of synthesis of the diagnosis of waste management from demolition.

Below by clicking on the inventory grid produced by DEMOCLES, you will have access to the excel table allowing you to comprehensively classify waste and how to account for this waste by following this guideline.

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