Asbestos identification before work France
Sébastien MARCHAL
Technical manager of Lille Nord real estate diagnostics and appraisals
Diagnosis GAZ Nord 59 | CASADIAG Expertise
Gas diagnosis Lille Nord 59
Why the gas diagnosis?
Gas-related accidents as well as poisoning can occur if the facilities are not properly maintained.
The government has therefore taken measures to fight against accidents related to the obsolescence of heating installations, any residential building (house, apartment, etc.) with an indoor gas installation over 15 years old will have to in the event of a sale, carry out a gas diagnosis.
Obligation of diagnosis
The gas diagnosis is mandatory from November 1, 2007 (as stipulated in the text of law n. 2003-8 of 01/03/2003) for the seller of a home equipped with an indoor natural gas installation dating from 15 years of age or older.
The seller must at the time of the promise to sell (before contract) or the authentic deed annex append a statement of the internal gas installation.
This diagnosis is not mandatory in case of rental.
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What type of property concerns this diagnosis?
The buildings concerned by the gas diagnosis are all the dwellings equipped with an indoor natural gas installation dating from 15 years or more whose destination is the dwelling. The diagnosis relates only to the private parts. Thus, buildings of a commercial or industrial nature are not subject to this obligation.
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Period of validity of the condition of indoor gas installation?
The condition at the time of its production must not be more than 3 years old (art 275-5 R-134-8-1 R 271-5 CCH). It should be noted that under certain conditions the compliance of the installer referred to by an approved body may, if it is less than 3 years old, replace the condition of the interior gas installation.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.