Asbestos identification before work France

Sébastien MARCHAL
Technical manager of Lille Nord real estate diagnostics and appraisals

your diagnosis DPE Nord 59-62

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This document has become essential for the rental or sale of real estate, whether for residential or professional use.
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We have the double certification which allows us to produce the classic DPE NORD for residential use and the DPE MENTION NORD for your commercial, industrial and warehouse premises.
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The realization of the DPE NORD is relatively complex.
For buildings for commercial use or homes built before 1948, the DPE is based on gas and electricity bills according to the heating means divided by the living or useful surface depending on the type of building. This type of calculation has the advantage of sticking to the reality of the inhabitants' consumption, on the other hand it can involve misunderstandings if the accommodation is inhabited by only one person, if it is occupied only 6 months of the year and if their occupants are heating. little or a lot compared to the norm which is 19 °. The same goes for commercial premises in Lille if the activity requires little or a lot of heating, if it requires more or less energy to operate or produce.
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For houses built after 1948, the 3CL calculation method is used which is an energy loss calculation method based on the typical consumption of a house occupied by a family of 4 people, for a heating temperature of 19 ° and calculated on typical consumption over the past thirty years. This type of calculation allows a standardization of the calculation method of the NORD DPE, nevertheless it has weaknesses because the global warming of the last 10 years is indisputable and if the dwelling is occupied by a greater number of people, it will consume more than what the DPE provides and vice versa if the accommodation is occupied by less than 4 people.
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The notion of energy performance given by considering a standardized use is fundamental.
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What properties are affected?
The DPE must be carried out in all dwellings for residential or tertiary use, except those intended to be occupied for less than four months of the year.
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Who is the ordering party for DPE NORD?
It is the owner of the home or the lessor who must have the DPE carried out. This will be done before the accommodation is put up for sale or rental and will be given to the purchaser or to the tenant.
Only a certified diagnostician can perform the Energy Performance diagnostic. There are two levels of certification:
Certification without mention, known as energy performance diagnostic (DPE), for carrying out energy performance diagnostics (DPE) of individual dwellings and lots in buildings used primarily as residential buildings
certification with mention (DPE Mention Lille), known as "energy performance diagnosis for all types of buildings", for carrying out energy performance diagnoses in buildings or buildings for main use other than residential
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What is the interest of DPE NORD?
The DPE serves:
- to better understand the consumption and emissions of the existing fleet.
- to inform and educate operators and users on economic and environmental issues
- to classify consumption and CO2 emissions on a scale from A to G,
- advising on the behaviors to adopt - recommending improvement work.
- to allow consumers to compare the energy performance of buildings with each other.
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Mandatory diagnostics during a rental for a NORD DPE:
1 - the DPE which is valid for 10 years,
2 - the living area certificate certified by the Boutin law,
3 - the DAAP asbestos diagnosis in the private part if the accommodation is in co-ownership,
4 - the lead diagnostic which is valid for 6 years in rental if the property was built before 1949,
5 - Electrical and Gas diagnosis valid for 6 years for rental if the installations are over 15 years old,
6 - and the ERP the state of risks and pollution,
The mandatory diagnoses for a house, an apartment, a commercial premises in the North are:
1 - the Carrez Law in co-ownership,
2 - the North DPE energy diagnosis if the property is for residential use,
2a - the DPE MENTION North if the property is for professional use,
3 - Electrical and Gas diagnostics for all North dwellings and apartments if the installation is over 15 years old,
4 - the North Asbestos diagnosis for real estate,
4 bis - the DTA asbestos technical file for buildings for professional use north,
5 - the North Lead diagnostic for residential property,
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Contact us to find out about your obligations and help you with your administrative procedures. Our small structure will answer you quickly and act as quickly as possible to satisfy you.
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Ok google, which does the DPE Mention in the North,
Ok google, find me a DPE diagnostician in the north,
Ok google, I'm looking for a DPE diagnostician in the north,
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Ok google, find me a DPE diagnostic practice in the north,
Ok google, find me a DPE diagnostic practice in the north,